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Raoult, Maela /arr. Maela Raoult - Azkaban Records


Raoult, Maela /arr. Maela Raoult - Azkaban Records
Publisher Desc.  Welcome to Book I of "The French Touch' Collection." This meticulously crafted method, thoughtfully designed by Maela Raoult, offers a delightful journey for beginners as they embark on their clarinet adventure. Each song is linked to a freely accessible video while scanning the QR code. Journey Through Timeless Melodies Through the enchanting power of famous nursery rhymes in both English and French, combined with Maela's own captivating compositions, you'll embark on a voyage of musical discovery. Recognize beloved tunes like "Une souris verte," "Frere Jacques," as well as surprises such as "Hickory Dickory Dock" and "Humpty Dumpty." To enhance the learning experience, lyrics are thoughtfully included after each song, allowing you or your child to sing along before taking up the clarinet. Explore Maela's Personal Compositions Delve into Maela's personal compositions, expertly integrated into the book. These compositions serve as your daily companions on the path to mastering the instrument, guiding you through each musical concept and technical challenge with a gradual approach. Precise Guidance Every Step of the Way As you navigate your clarinet journey, you'll encounter clear visual aids in the form of small pictures, helping you grasp correct fingerings whenever a new note is introduced. The art of staccato is introduced through purposeful exercises, while various rhythms and ternary pulsations are skillfully woven throughout the method. For those looking to expand their repertoire, some songs even offer a piano accompaniment, enabling wind musicians to embark on their duet debut. Adaptable for Various Instrument The scores within this book can also be applied to other instruments in Eb, C, or Bb. Simply consult your teacher to determine the appropriate fingerings for your specific instrument. This method is thoughtfully tailored to ensure an evolutionary learning experience, free from unnecessary difficulties, suitable for both young or mature beginner musicians. Video accompaniement for Enhanced Autonomy To empower independent learning, each song is accompanied by a QR code-linked video. A quick scan with your smartphone grants you access to a visual and auditory guide corresponding to the song. Each song is thoughtfully paired with two videos, catering to both C or Bb clarinets. This thoughtful approach accommodates beginners with small hands, who may opt for a C clarinet in their first year. The videos enable students to read, listen, and play their scores with or without a teacher. Dive into the world of sounds, melodies, and techniques at your own pace, with the added benefit of visualizing fingerings and techniques whenever needed. Rediscover Music with Joy and Family If you or your child yearns to embark on a musical journey, this method offers a joyful and playful approach to learning the clarinet. Rediscover the songs of your childhood alongside your family, all while progressing at your own pace. Whether with or without a teacher, the accompanying videos ensure a rich and rewarding learning experience week after week.
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Publisher ID: MSMR13-4
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